Is Rhinoplasty A Good Way To Stop Snoring?


It’s a great night for snores! I just had a reportOf some boys who are tops in this musical sport.The snortiest snorers in all our fair landAre Snorter McPhail and his Snore-a-Snort Band.This band can snore Dixie and old Swanee RiverSo loud it would make forty elephants shiver.The loudest of all the boys is McPhail.HE snores with his head in a three-gallon pail.So they snore in a cave twenty miles out of town.If they snored closer in, they would snore the town down.- Dr. Seuss’s Sleep BookIf you snore so loud you could join the Snore-a-Snort Band you and your loved ones are probably willing to try anything to make your nighttime noises stop, even rhinoplasty. But will having a nose job really stop you from snoring? The answer is, it depends.There are many things that can cause a person to snore, and only one of them can really be solved by having a nose job. If you are snoring because you like to sleep on your back, have severe sleep apnea, or are overweight, getting a nose job is probably not going to solve your problem, if it is even an option for you. If, however, you snore because you have a deviated nasal septum, rhinoplasty may help you breathe better and snore less.The nasal septum is the wall of bone and cartilage that divides the nostrils. Some people are born with a deviated, or displaced, septum; others may suffer such a displacement due to a traumatic injury or accident. A septoplasty is a type of nasal surgical designed to correct a deviated nasal septum. A septoplasty may be performed as part of nasal reconstruction surgery, sinus surgery, or rhinoplasty.If a patient chooses to have septoplasty done as part of a rhinoplasty, the shape and function of the nose will both be altered. This can improve the patient’s breathing, sleeping, and overall quality of life. It also gives the patient an opportunity to change the look of his or her nose overall.Most septoplasties can be done as a closed procedure, meaning the surgeon makes no external incisions on the columella (the area between the nostrils), but works entirely through the nostrils. This means:

  • No visible scarring;
  • Less pain;
  • Less postoperative bruising and swelling; and
  • A shorter recovery period.

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