Yet another Dr. Tobias Presentation!

Almost immediately after his exceptionally well-received presentations at The Rhinoplasty Society and ASAPS at the beginning of April, Dr. Tobias presented at the PENN Rhinoplasty Course on April 9th and 10th.The PENN Rhinoplasty Course, presented by The Perelman School of Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania as a component of continuing medical education requirements for medical professionals, was held at the Inn at Penn, a Hilton hotel conveniently located on the Penn campus. Dr. Tobias gave two presentations at this meeting: “Contemporary Endonasal Rhinoplasty: Tips & Tricks,” clearly a speech other rhinoplasty specialists were eager to learn from, and Thirty Years of Rhinoplasty: The Agony and the Ecstasy.” The latter is a presentation Dr. Tobias is famous for, the one he gave as his Presidential Address as President of The Rhinoplasty Society during his tenure from 2014 to 2015. In this speech, he makes exciting and apt comparisons between the sculptures of Michelangelo and the artistry of rhinoplasty. His audience, many of whom came back to hear his inspiring words again, was spellbound.If you are considering rhinoplasty, you should consult with a surgeon like Dr. Tobias who specializes only in this particular field of plastic surgery, is well-known as a leader in the field of nasal surgery, and is a true artist as well as a gifted surgeon.For more information about the PENN Rhinoplasty Course, check out their website at


Dr. Geoffrey Tobias, Past President of The Rhinoplasty Society, Gives Keynote Address at Symposium


Dr. Geoffrey Tobias Presents at ASAPS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas