How Soon Can I Fly After Getting A Nose Job?


Traveling for plastic surgery is more popular than ever. There have been a number of stories in the news lately about people that traveled to foreign countries for a cheap nose job, with mixed results. Traveling somewhere in order to have cut-rate rhinoplasty is not recommended, but traveling in order to work with the surgeon you think will do the best job is.So, how soon can you fly home (or head out on a vacation) after having a nose job? It varies from patient to patient since no two people heal the same way, but in general, most people can get on an airplane for a short flight a week after surgery.In the first few days after having surgery, you are not going to feel like doing much of anything, let alone hopping on a plane. If you are traveling in order to work with a particular surgeon, you should plan on staying in a hotel or with a friend for a few days immediately after your procedure.About a week after surgery you should start to feel like yourself again, and most people can resume traveling at this time. If you can avoid traveling for longer, however, you should consider it. Flying too soon after surgery is risky for several reasons.First, you will be on strong pain medication, which might make you nauseous. The pain meds combined with the motion of the plane could make you vomit, and that can put pressure on your nose.Speaking of pressure, the changes in air pressure that come with flying can be really uncomfortable if you have a lot of swelling or any pre-existing sinus issues (like allergies).The dry, recirculating air inside of airplanes is not ideal post-op. Dry air can lead to nose bleeds, which can cause complications, and are just kind of gross when you are on a plane. One of the reasons the air is dry is because it is being recirculated instead of being constantly refreshed with fresh air. Recirculating air carries germs. People who are recovering from any type of surgery should be careful about exposing themselves to germs since the risk of infection is greater when your body is trying to heal itself.Finally, flying often means rushing from one airport gate to the next and lifting luggage into overhead compartments. People who have had rhinoplasty should really avoid strenuous activity for the first month or so, and should avoid situations where objects could hit them in the face for a whole year after surgery.If you are planning on traveling to have surgery, or have a vacation scheduled for shortly after your surgery, you should discuss your plans with your doctor. It will probably be totally fine for you to fly within a week of your procedure so long as you take certain precautions, but it is better to be safe than sorry, so talk to your doctor.


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