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A Pretty Smile, an Imperfect Profile

This young woman, tired of having her nose draw negative attention, decides to have a rhinoplasty with the very best surgeon she can find: Dr. Geoffrey Tobias.


The Beauty Beneath Emerges

A few weeks later, after successful nose surgery she is delighted with her image in the mirror and her image in other people’s eyes.

Self-esteem is important. Changing something about yourself, such as improving the appearance of your nose, can make a tremendous difference in your self-assessment, your sense of comfort inside your own skin, and your self-confidence. Just as the nose, the central feature of the face, can distract from the beauty of your eyes, hair, or even the resonance and meaning of your words, when properly shaped, the nose can help you redefine, even reinvent, yourself as the person you have always felt meant to be. Putting yourself in Dr. Tobias’ capable hands for what may seem to be only an external alteration can be the key to positive inner changes, a means toward a new awareness of your worth as a person. Nothing makes Dr. Tobias happier than the recognition that his delicate work has helped to increase his patient’s joy and quality of life.

It is important that you recognize, as Dr. Tobias does, that your nose is, and will remain, one of a kind. In keeping with his belief in embracing diversity and individuality, he will be improving and refining your nasal contours, not creating some model of perfection that doesn’t synchronize with your other features. When you have realistic expectations of what the hands of this extraordinarily talented surgeon can accomplish, you will be surely be delighted with the results.

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